originally uploaded by Jimbo1239.
The last couple of days here in Michigan's zone 5.. were very nasty and fierce! with lows in the teens and high winds!
During weather like this I often wonder about my feathered friends who visit my feeders and I'm sure I have asked the same questions that other bird and nature lover's have... Where do birds go at night once they are finished feeding in the evening? are they warm?... are they safe? ...will they die in this weather?
I searched the internet for some answers and my favorite store.. Wild birds unlimited surfaced and their site provided some important answers and tips that gave me a little piece of mind...Please click on the title in the header ( Where do birds go at night? ) and it will take you to the article.
Once you're done there..you may want to check out and view Marsha's garden photos titled....
"It's Cold Outside! ( http://marshagarden.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-cold-outside.html )
she has captured some wonderful and interesting photo's of some very chilly looking little birds. I have never, every..witnessed birds with frost around their eyes and faces... check it out if you like.
P.S I hope you enjoy the lovely photos of nature that I'm using on my blogs..courtesy of Flickr until I upgrade to a digital camera..If you don't mind, please share with me what camera you like to use to photo what you love...Thank you I will greatly appreciate it